Quick Short Story Tips

How to write a quick first draft for a short short story

Three essential elements

  1. Set-up: setting, time frame, characters

  2. Action: problem needs solving, climax 

  3. Resolution: solution, moral, insight


  • Describe where exactly the story takes place.

  • Describe when exactly the story starts.


  • Name a main character with a goal and an opponent with a goal.

  • Show characters with details so readers care about them and they draw readers through the journey of the story.


  • Show the main character going for their goal now, at the start of the story 

  • Show the opponent stopping the main character from their goal

  • Show what the main character does to get around the obstacle

  • Continue as long as desired, get the MC in hot water & turn up the heat to maximum temperature


  • Show main character reaching their goal or not & the significance  

Weave in to your written story some elements found in oral storytelling:

  1. tone of voice

  2. gestures

  3. posture

  4. facial expressions

  5. eye behavior

  6. pauses

  7. silence 

It can help to start with a title.

Pauline Wiles

After writing and publishing 6 of my own books, I became a full-time website designer for other authors. I create modern, professional websites to help you grow your audience and make more impact with your work. British born, I’m now happily settled in California.


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